Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Hi everybody! Welcome to the second Lets Europe blog, outlining the goings-on of the Sicilian Grundtvig group.
Our story beging on Saturday the 11th May 2013, and a journey to Vienna, to meet up with several friends from around the world.

On arrival, the weather was wet, but we made our way to Stefebplatz to meet up with the others who had arrived earlier. The inside of the Church there was amazing.

We made our way to the Motto am Fliss cafe by the Danube. As the place was full, we decided to eat outside, under the awning and nirma, not knowing his own strength, acciedntily pulled the locking bar off the door. Fortunatly, it was easily fixed. The food and conversation were good too, as we caught up on news.


Afterwards, we took a leisurely stroll through the city and came upon Hundertwasser Kunstbauwerke, an urban sustainable community. The architecture of the building was amazing.


The place even had The toilet of Modern Art:


Come to Vienna, see the wierd stuff :)

Afterwards, we did some sightseeing, at the Museum of History and Art, two massive identical buildings facing each other, as well as looking at the Parliament building. The statue is in front of the Parliament building, a statue of Athena Pallas, with the figures underneath representing the four main rivers in Austria.  The charicters with the scrolls represent the legislative and the executive powers of the State.


 Other sights:
We had Curry Insel, Nirmas favourite restaurant. The food was good. We also started writing a block-buster of a script.

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